IV Sedation in Waterford, MI

Say Goodbye to Dental Anxiety With IV Sedation

Going to the dentist can be a source of anxiety for many people. Whether it’s the sound of the drill or the fear of pain, the thought of undergoing a dental procedure can be enough to make even the bravest person feel uneasy. Fortunately, advancements in sedation dentistry have made it possible to undergo procedures with minimal discomfort.

One such advancement is IV sedation, which our Waterford, MI dentist, Dr. Amanda Sheehan offers to help patients feel calm during their procedure. Read our guide to learn more about how this form of sedation dentistry can improve your dental visit.

What Is IV Sedation?

IV sedation, also known as intravenous sedation, is a form of sedation dentistry that uses medication administered through an intravenous line to help patients feel comfortable and relaxed during dental procedures. The medication used in IV sedation provides a deeper level of relaxation than other types of sedation, such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or oral sedatives.

Man getting his teeth cleaned at the dentist.
female patient smiling with thms up

The Benefits of IV Sedation

IV sedation provides a variety of benefits that other forms of sedation can’t beat. Make your dental visit more relaxing by experiencing the following advantages:

  • Reduced anxiety and fear during dental procedures
  • Increased comfort and relaxation
  • Reduced sensitivity to pain
  • Reduced gag reflex
  • Fewer side effects compared to other forms of sedation

The Benefits of IV Sedation

IV sedation provides a variety of benefits that other forms of sedation can’t beat. Make your dental visit more relaxing by experiencing the following advantages:

  • Reduced anxiety and fear during dental procedures
  • Increased comfort and relaxation
  • Reduced sensitivity to pain
  • Reduced gag reflex
  • Fewer side effects compared to other forms of sedation
IV sedation

Who Is a Candidate for IV Sedation?

IV sedation is typically recommended for patients who experience severe forms of dental anxiety or fear, have a sensitive gag reflex, or will be undergoing long and more complex dental procedures. Patients who have a low pain tolerance or a fear of needles may also benefit from IV sedation.

However, patients who are pregnant, have certain medical conditions, or take certain medications may not be good candidates for IV sedation. It’s important to discuss your medical history and any medications you’re taking with your dentist before undergoing IV sedation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is IV sedation safe?

Yes, IV sedation is generally considered safe when administered by a qualified dentist or oral surgeon. However, as with any medical procedure, there are some risks associated with IV sedation. Rare symptoms you may experience afterwards can include drowsiness or feeling nauseous, but these will subside on their own in time.

Will I need someone to drive me home after the procedure?

Yes, patients who undergo IV sedation will need someone to drive them home after the procedure as they will not be able to drive themselves due to the lingering effects of the sedation. Be sure to ask a relative or a close friend who’s able to care for you immediately after your procedure so that you can get the rest you need.

How long does it take to recover from IV sedation?

Recovery time can vary depending on the individual and the amount of medication used during the procedure. However, patients should expect to feel drowsy and somewhat groggy for several hours after the procedure. It’s important to rest and avoid any strenuous activity during this time to allow your body to recover fully.

Schedule an Appointment With Dr. Sheehan

If you experience dental anxiety or fear, have a sensitive gag reflex, or require longer or more complex dental procedures, IV sedation may be a good option for you. Contact our experienced dentist at Oakland Family Dental in Waterford, MI by giving us a call at (248) 674-0384 or fill out an online form to learn more about this sedation method to discover whether it’s right for you. We’re eager to continue providing exceptional care for Michigan patients in Shelby, Bloomfield Hills, Rochester, and the surrounding areas. 
